maandag 3 mei 2021

Do you need an IP strategy ?

Some days ago, a dear friend send me a text message, that only 5% of companies have some form of Intellectual property (IP). He also said that Mona Keizer was trying to boost that number.... Mona Keizer is our vice minister on economic affairs and in that role, she tries to raise the awareness on IP. Companies with IP have on average a substantively higher value. This finding is based on a recent European report on the Value of companies: "Intellectual property rights and firm performance in the European Union" A cool example of this value is reflected in the price of beschuit, a very Dutch type of double baked bread. The "no brand" Beschuit of the Spar supermarket costs 38 cents, while the strongly branded "Bolletje" costs 1,04 euro. Almost triple the pice for 13 of basically the same dry slices of double baked bread. That is what an IP strategy can do. people do believe so much in your brand, that they are willing and prepared to pay triple. Think about this when you consider an IP strategy for your company, IP may do you some good! Subscribe to my newsletter for more on patents and inventions. #patents #inventions #IPstrategy

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